The Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year C

Paul T. Keil, 15 May 2022

The Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year C

          Peace be with you on this, our celebration of the Mass for the 5th Sunday of Easter.  I sincerely hope everyone is still experiencing a holy, joyful, and rewarding Easter Season.  And remember, it is still OK to be wishing everyone a Happy Easter.  When you get those questions however, as I am sure you will, especially now, since Easter Sunday was last month, it provides a wonderful opportunity to evangelize a little, and remind people what the Bible says.  The Risen Christ spent 40 days with his disciples before He ascended into Heaven and then the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples at Pentecost 50 days after Jesus’ physical Resurrection thus, giving birth to the Christianity we still practice today.  That’s what we call the Easter Season, and the Bible is the reason why!  Wow just think, a Bible lesson coming from a Catholic living in the Bible Belt, what a novel idea that is?

          So, today we just heard three separate Bible readings talking about the spiritual journey each of us are now on.  In the first reading from Acts Paul tells us it is not going to be an easy trip when he says, “It is necessary for us to undergo many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.”  The second reading from Revelation tells us where we are going on our journey when we hear, “I John, saw a new heaven and a new earth.”  And finally, in the Gospel reading, we hear Jesus tell us what is most important, as we make our individual journeys, “I give you a new commandment: love one another.”  Then the Lord takes it one step further and tells us all how to preach his Gospel message without using words, “This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”  Oh my, oh my, love one another?  Lord Jesus those are such easy words to say and so very hard to put into practice, especially when people can be so ugly, violent, and nasty to each other. 

          You know, Mahatma Gandhi was not only a great political leader, who arguably, led the greatest non-violent revolution in history, many also considered him a great philosopher and theologian.  Now admittedly, many of his most memorable quotes were directed at that powerful British Empire as unwelcomed occupiers in India but see if his words might still ring true today.  I must examine my own conscience and ask, “Lord, do Gandhi’s words apply to me right now?”  He said this, “Jesus is ideal and wonderful, but you Christians – you are not like him.”  And good old Gandhi went on to say, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.  Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”  Ouch!  Anybody else feel a twinge of guilt when they hear Gandhi’s words?  There is good news here however, as wise as Mahatma Gandhi may have been, he was not quoting the Bible.  If he’d been a Christian himself, he would have known there was more to the Jesus’ story than his many flawed human sinful followers.

          One more time, let’s look at this journey we’re all on together as imperfect sinful human Christians.  As Paul said it is not going to be easy but if you read the whole message of Scripture, as the Catholic Church teaches, Jesus made it clear; if we are to understand anything at all about God then we must understand that God’s driving force is nothing other than love.  Love is what God is all about and there could be no greater sign of this than Jesus Christ giving his life on the Cross of Calvary for our salvation.  Yes, Jesus did tell his disciples to love one another because He knew living lives of love was the best way to redemption, salvation, and greater knowledge of God but Jesus also taught repentance and forgiveness.  There can be no greater lessons of repentance and forgiveness than those of Peter and Judas.  Basically, both were guilty of the same sin in their separate denials of Jesus.  One had a contrite heart, repented, and was forgiven while the other died in despair never asking for forgiveness.  The message for us all is clear, and it is full of hope and love.  Come before God with a humble contrite heart, ask for forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, continue our journey towards the Heavenly Kingdom, then repeat as necessary. 

          OK so far, we’ve thrown the word love around quite a bit but really what does it mean?  How do we put Christian love into action?  One of my favorite definitions of love but perhaps the most challenging to put into action comes from Saint Thomas Aquinas.  “Love is willing the good of the other.”  Wow, willing the good of the other.  Lord, I’ve certainly tried to love like that with my own family and those closest to me through the years, but you know well Lord God, I have sometimes, even failed there.  How am I ever supposed to do that with the guy full of road rage who just cut me off on the Parkway?  My friends, the best way to express and deepen our love for God and our neighbor is through prayer.  And as hard as it may be at a moment like that on the Parkway, I just hit the brakes, take a deep breath, and whisper a prayer for the guy.  No horn, no obscene hand-gesture, no cursing.  Basically, prayer takes various forms and probably the best one for the rude driver would be one of petition.  “Lord grant this man the grace of patience and fill his heart with your love.  I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.”  There may be times when prayer is not the only solution; however, you may have to get your hands dirty, do some heavy lifting, dig into your pockets, or humbly demonstrate love to actually “will the good of the other.”

          My sisters and brothers prayer still remains an open line of communication between us, and God and we should use it always and often on our journeys.  In fact, every form of prayer is used in the Mass.  At the Penitential Rite we say sorry, at the Readings we listen, at the Intercessions we request, at the Offertory we present gifts, in the Eucharistic Prayer we offer praise and thanks, and the Communion becomes a consummation of all that went before.  We can think of the Mass as a microcosm of our entire relationship with God.  It is the best place therefore, to express our love for God and, of course, also the best place to deepen our relationship with God.

          Now, let me close with one more quote from our old philosophical friend Gandhi because I think it goes a long way in helping us love God and neighbor, especially when that neighbor seems unlovable, “A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative only of the brave.”  So, happy Easter everyone – and be brave enough to love


  • PeterPosted on 5/20/22

    Fantastic Homily. Really enjoyed listening and taking to heart what was said.