Youth Ministry

Our youth are encouraged to be involved in many areas of Parish life, where they can share their faith and enthusiasm with us as they journey toward an adult spirituality.  The goal in Youth Ministry is to provide experiences where youth can help each other to develop a mature, Christ-centered faith and lifestyle. 

To create these experiences, we promote active participation by advisors, drivers, chaperones, and providers of food.


¨ HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP:  Our high school youth gather each Sunday evening during the school year from 5:30 - 7:30pm for a time that includes prayer, catechesis, community building, and service.  And food, of course!

¨ MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP includes bi-monthly events that build community and faith for youth grades 6-8. Programming supports and extends the middle school religious education program.

¨ SUMMER WORK CAMPS:   Rising 9th grade high school youth have a week in the summer of service and fun.  High school youth join with Catholic youth from neighboring parishes at the North Alabama Work Camp to serve the needs of our larger community—especially the aging and homebound who are in need of home repairs and yard work. Youth also participate each year with youth from around the country at Catholic Heart Work Camp serving communities in need. 

If you would like more information or to be added to the weekly email list, contact Angie Lefevre, Youth Minister at